Python: I/O Operations

In this article we show how we can to input/output operations using user input and file. Python supports standard keyboard input and screen output using input and print keywords, respectively. File I/O has more option depending if you want to write, read or append a file. Python also supports text and binary mode of writing,however both modes have a very minor difference based on how cr-lf ('\r\n') is handled.

The following code sample demonstrate how interactive user input and output are handled in Python. After that we look at code sample to perform File I/O. Inline comments (starting with #) clarify the purpose of specific lines of code.

# Code for demonstration of Python Dictionary
class DemoScreenIOClass:
    def ReadFromKeyboard(self):
        print("---------- ReadFromKeyboard")
        # Read a value from keyboard
        self.__value = input('Enter any value:')
        # Validation can be added using a try-except block
        self.__numValue = -1
            self.__numValue = int(input('Enter a numeric value:'))
        except ValueError:
            print("Not a number")

    def OutputToScreen(self):
        print("---------- OutputToScreen")
        print('Print is used to output to screen')
        #Output to screen is done using the print statement
        print('Entered value is ', self.__value)
        # Multiple variables can be printed by separating them in commas ','
        print('Entered values are ', self.__value, self.__numValue)

The output for the above code is:
---------- ReadFromKeyboard
Enter any value:12
Enter a numeric value:cbelwal
Not a number
---------- OutputToScreen
Print is used to output to screen
Entered value is  12
Entered values are  12 -1

Process finished with exit code 0

The following code sample handles File I/O:

class DemoFileIOClass:
    def CreateFile(self):
        print("----------- CreateFile")
        # Open a file for writing
        # If file exists it will be overwritten
        # The 'w' implies a non-binary pure write mode
        # Using 'wb' implies a binary write
        # There is only a minor difference between text and binary read/write in Python
        # The difference is in how binary and text writes treat CR-LF ('\r\n')
        file = open("MyFile.txt", "w")
        # Let us write from data
        file.write("This is Sentence 1.")
        file.write("This is Sentence 2.")
        # Line breaks have to be explicitly specified
        # In Windows, Python write will replace '\n' by '\r\n' if file is in text mode
        # During file read '\r\n' will be replaced by '\n'
        # If file opened in Binary mode, this replacement is not done
        file.write("\nThis is Sentence 3 in the next line.")
        # All write will be committed when file is closed or object id destroyed
        # However it is always good to close the file explicitly.

    def ReadFromExistingFile(self):
        print("----------- ReadFromExistingFile")
        # Open a file for reading
        # The 'r' implies a non-binary pure read mode
        file = open('MyFile.txt', 'r')
        # Read all bytes from file
        value =
        print("Read value is:", value)
        # Reset the file pointer to the beginning of the file
        # Read first 8 bytes from file
        value =
        print("Read 4 bytes, value is:", value)
        # Read one line from file
        value = file.readline()
        print("Read 1 line, value is:", value)
        # Reset the file pointer to the beginning of the file
        # It is always good to close the file explicitly.
        # Read all lines from file
        # values will be a list
        values = file.readlines()
        print("Read all lines, value is: ", values)

    def ReadWriteToFile(self):
        print("----------- ReadWriteToFile")
        # Open a file for writing
        file = open('MyFile.txt', 'w')
        # Write some lines to file
        file.write("V1, V2, V3, V4\n")
        file.write("1, 2, 3, 4\n")
        file.write("5, 6, 7, 8\n")
        file.write("9, 10, 11, 12\n")
        # Close the file so that buffer is flushed
        # The 'w+' implies a non-binary read/write mode
        # 'r+' can also be used for non-binary read/write mode
        file = open('MyFile.txt', 'r+')
        # Now read the data for each line
        # allLines will be a list containing content for each line
        # CAUTION: Each line if identified by a CR ('\n'). If there is a LF ('\r') it will be
        # counted as a separate line
        allLines = file.readlines()
        print("Number of lines read:", len(allLines))
        print("Line at index 0:", allLines[0])
        print("Line at index 3:", allLines[3])
        # Now also write some more data to file
        # This is equivalent to an append, this line will be added
        file.write("13, 14, 15, 16\n")
        # Close the file explicitly.

    # Append to a file
    def AppendToFile(self):
        print("----------- AppendToFile")
        # The 'a+' implies a non-binary read/append mode
        # If we use 'a' we cannot read from file
        file = open('MyFile.txt', 'a+')
        file.write("17, 18, 19, 20\n")
        # Set file pointer to start of file
        # This is required if we want to read from the file without closing
        # and reopening it
        # Now read from file
        value =
        print("Content of file\n", value)

    def CheckFileMode(self):
        file = open('MyFile.txt', 'a+')
        # We can use file mode t find out the mode file was opened in
        if file.mode == 'a+':
            print("File mode is a+")

dfc = DemoFileIOClass()

The output for the above code is:
----------- CreateFile
----------- ReadFromExistingFile
Read value is: This is Sentence 1.This is Sentence 2.
This is Sentence 3 in the next line.
Read 4 bytes, value is: This
Read 1 line, value is:  is Sentence 1.This is Sentence 2.

Read all lines, value is:  ['This is Sentence 1.This is Sentence 2.\n', 'This is Sentence 3 in the next line.']
----------- ReadWriteToFile
Number of lines read: 4
Line at index 0: V1, V2, V3, V4

Line at index 3: 9, 10, 11, 12

----------- AppendToFile
Content of file
 V1, V2, V3, V4
1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11, 12
13, 14, 15, 16
17, 18, 19, 20

File mode is a+

Process finished with exit code 0


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